Your back typically takes most of the impact in an accident due to jarring forces and can result in back and muscle pain, even in minor collisions. Through spinal manipulation, we can offer correction to your spine’s alignment, providing you with safe and effective pain relief.
In the aftermath of an accident, it can be common to experience head and neck pain. While your body remains stationary, your head and neck may experience twisting, turning, or a rapid forward and backwards movement due to the forces generated during the crash. This can cause your neck’s muscles and tendons to stretch and tear and can range from mild to severe damage in the neck and shoulders. Let our experienced chiropractors offer relief with our therapeutic massage, rehabilitation exercises, and more.
Depending on the severity of the accident, you may be left with bruising from the impact or bruises on your torso from the pressure exerted from your seatbelt. We offer a variety of massage options to help promote healing of the soft tissue.
When you are dealing with the pain of an auto-related injury, the last thing you want to worry about is how to get the treatment you need to restore your health. Covered by most medical insurance providers, our staff will assist you with the insurance paperwork so that you can begin your treatment immediately.